In every 40 seconds, another life is lost to suicide. Chances are, you or someone you know has a family member who lost their battle to mental health. If so, then you know firsthand that the devastating loss of suicide reverberates through communities -- leaving a lasting impact on the family and friends of those affected.
Riddled with grief, trauma, guilt, and a host of unanswered questions, those who have lost a child, a spouse, or a parent to suicide may not know how to deal with the sudden emotional impact. Sadly, statistics show that the chances they may also resort to ending their life is 60% greater than a death by any other cause. Their pain can be simply too much to bear.
Families and friends of survivors often do not know where to turn to or how to provide support for this unspoken type of grief. Due to the unfortunate -- yet very common -- stigma that is placed on mental health matters, those who want to help simply do not have the language nor the know-how to guide families through this time of intense grief. Far too often a broken family is left in their own silent, excruciating pain.
That is where we step in.
At The Light Within, we provide safe, confidential grief retreats for family members to gather together to heal the mind, body and soul after suicide loss. Through a blend of traditional clinical therapy, holistic healing modalities, and the healing powers of the ocean, we give grieving survivors renewed hope for a path forward once more.
Will you help us provide the much-needed care for these families who do not know where to turn to after suicide?
With your donation, we are able to provide onsite care plus five months of aftercare for these brave partners, parents, and teens. We have donation amounts that include sponsoring dinner, covering airfare, or even providing the full cost of treatment at one of our retreat centers. Donations can be made in either one-time donations or in monthly increments.
Together, we can restore the light within once more.
1st Heather Mootz $145 raised 3 donations