Help us inspire more climate action by donating today!
Since Flight Free UK was established in 2019, our work has almost exclusively been funded by you, our supporters. Thank you!
Your support has enabled us to:
- save 20,000 tonnes CO2 from the atmosphere through people taking our Flight Free Challenge
- reach an audience of over 22,000 people through our social media channels
- become a regular commentator on flights, carbon and travel in mainstream media outlets including BBC TV and radio, and newspapers including the Guardian, the Independent and the Big Issue
- hold public education events about the climate impact of aviation, reaching 2000 people per year
- change the culture around flights so that conversations about flight-free travel are now part of the mainstream
- inspire many thousands of people to stay grounded for the climate
Thank you for believing in the work that we do, and enabling us to keep on doing it. We are so grateful to each and every person who has ever donated to Flight Free UK.
This year, as well as our fundraising target, we are asking people to consider giving a regular donation. Regular donations are the best way to support Flight Free UK.
Reasons for making a regular donation:
- it gives us a predictable income, which gives financial stability and the ability to plan work and projects
- it makes us much more attractive to grant funders – they can see we have a regular income and wide-ranging support
- you are supporting a charity that has a direct impact on emissions
- small amounts all add up to a large amount
We currently have 40 regular donors (thank you if you are one of them!). 100 regular donors will easily cover our annual running costs.
Core costs include:
- website hosting and maintenance
- design software
- mailing list software
- events: room hire for in-person events, and Zoom membership for online events
- travel to give talks and attend events such as green fairs
- printing and postage for infographics/information sheets and flyers
Covering our core costs through regular donations means we can use grant funding for special projects, such as Flight Free Schools.
Thank you for believing in us – we need you to keep on doing so!
Our target is to raise £10k – the running costs for a year’s worth of campaigning – AND get 100 regular donors. With over 10,000 people in our email audience, we are confident that we can do it!
We keep costs to a minimum where we can, i.e. we don’t use expensive brands like Mailchimp, and we only have subscriptions where it’s really necessary.
We are a small but efficient team, and we do a lot with a little. Every penny you give goes straight to the charity’s work!
The conversation has definitely changed in the past few years, although lots of people still don’t know the climate impact of their flights. We have a lot of work still to do.
With your help, we can do it.
Make your donation today, and consider helping us on an on-going basis with a regular donation.