The Goal: Run the 24 HourAlaska Endurance Trail Run to raise awareness and money for the Dwarf Athletic Association of America and simply share the message that:
We can all achieve something big when we compound it with small daily tasks
We all have a story to share and worth sharing with our fellow neighbors
We can achieve more than we think when we start with something so simple like our own two feet
We are born to make a difference with our difference
Ever since I was young, I tend to hyper focus on the small things. I could say it is on brand being a little person and as I’ve progressed and now near 26, I’d say that the biggest lesson learned is that when the small is compounded together it creates the biggest impact.
I take this lesson and apply it in every area of my life, especially into two pillars like photography and running
In photography, I leverage being 4ft5 into every single photo and project, using that unique perspective to my advantage. Check out to see what I mean.
And then there is running. It's a simple equation for running - every small step in front of the other builds on top of one another to create miles and with every small step, you can cover some pretty big distances if you are willing to put in the work.
This love for running had not always been the case. Growing up a little person, I despised it. Growing up little I would only see my weakness. Growing up little, I feared the unknown. Many of these ideas weighed on me and buried me deeper and deeper to the point where I would focus so much on the internal that I missed the beauty of the external world around me.
I share the story below because time and past experiences can completely change a perspective like the one at the end of this document. More importantly, people and organizations who believe in you can do the same and that is where the Dwarf Athletic Association of America comes in.
Since 2006 I have participated in the Dwarf Athletic Association of America, a non profit that provides annual sporting competitions across the country and world events every four years for people with dwarfism or of short stature. For many, this is their one opportunity to compete on a level playing field and know what it means to compete to win. Many of us spend the entire year at a competitive disadvantage but for one or two weeks, you feel like Michael Jordan. There is nothing like hearing your national anthem play ahead of the gold medal match of a world basketball tournament. Not many can say that but I experienced it and it changed my life. The DAAA provides a canvas for the little to become the big - like when a young athlete finally makes a basket for the first time because they do not have to worry about being blocked or when one wins the 100M dash and is named the fastest little person in the world - that changes lives. It changed mine and I want to provide opportunities for others to do the same and that is where this trail run comes in. DAAA is completely reliant on private donations to run (pun intended) so this running project will hopefully help in putting on future games.
Running long distances. That didn’t happen overnight. Running and enjoying it. That didn’t happen overnight. It’s in the everyday obedience to the sport that it has become something big to me - it’s an avenue to create and tell a story.
To run Alaska and raise money for the DAAA, that is the next BIG thing.
So June 2nd starting at 8PM, I want to run 24 hours to raise money for the Dwarf Athletic Association of America. I will ask for donations up front as well as look for donations for every 6 mile loop that I complete. In 24 hours, I am aiming to run at least 75 miles. It could be more or it could be less but 75 miles with the goal of raising $10,000 for the Dwarf Athletic Association of America.
At the end of the day - the mission is to celebrate the will of the human and the idea that we can achieve more than we think with the power of our own two feet.
If you would be willing or interested in supporting the initial phase to get me to Alaska, I would love the opportunity to talk to you further about ways in which you could help.
You can follow my running and photography journey on my instagram - @4ft5photographer or please reach out to me at or via cell at (262) - 408 - 9941 to talk more. I appreciate the consideration and potential opportunity of working together to change the world
See below for more information on the race or visit this link here: