TELL Lifeline Toll-Free Crisis Phone Support:
Campaign Period - From December 2nd 2024 to January 12th 2025
Fundraising Goal: ¥1,800,000 (to cover one year of toll-free support)
As the holiday season approaches, will you consider giving the gift of a phone call to someone in need? Last April, we launched the TELL Lifeline Toll-Free Pilot to ensure that the cost of a call is not a barrier to support. The project has been a resounding success, with over 500 more connections and requests for support already this year. We would like to say a huge thank you to those who helped fund our 2024 pilot program and let you know you have made a difference. We heard from many users who expressed their gratitude for the toll-free call, saying the cost of a call had been a worry and obstacle to reaching out in the past.
With global increases in youth mental health issues and more individuals struggling financially, we want to ensure that the Lifeline is toll-free every day and that the cost of a call is not a barrier to accessing vital support and connections.
Our goal is to raise ¥1,800,000 and ensure that the Lifeline is Toll-Free every day in 2025.
¥1000 can cover the toll-free minute costs of a shift on the Lifeline (4hrs)
¥5000 can cover the toll-free minute costs of a day on the Lifeline
¥150,000 can cover the toll-free minute costs of a month on the Lifeline
Will you join us in giving a gift of hope this holiday season and helping everyone make it to the next day?
About TELL
Established in 1973, TELL is a not-profit organization providing mental health support and counseling services to Japan's international community and the community at large. TELL’s services include free phone / chat mental health support, professional face-to-face counseling, community mental health education workshops, suicide prevention initiatives, and other services. For more information on TELL and its services, please visit
Learn more about our work at
募金目標額:1,800,000円 (フリーダイヤルサポート1年分)
東京英語いのちの電話(TELL)は1973年に設立され、日本の国際社会と地域社会に、世界最高水準のメンタルヘルスサポートとカウンセリングサービスを提供する非営利団体です。TELLのサービスは、電話やチャットによるサポートと情報提供、専門家による対面カウンセリング、コーポレートウェルネス、教育ワークショップなど多岐にわたります。ライフラインサービスにより、2022年には、日本全国のサポートを必要とする方から寄せられた8,326件の相談に対応し、また、3,050件の自殺予防のサポートを実施しました。TELLサービスの詳細については、 をご覧ください。
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