Our current starting blocks are about five years old and approaching the end of their lifetime. As our swim team continues to grow, we strive to always provide the best and safest environment we can for our swimmers. Part of that is investing in high-quality, long-lasting equipment. We are trying to raise money to purchase new, safer, and more competitive starting blocks.
Our existing, handmade, wooden blocks are heavy and difficult to transport and flake paint into the pool every time they are used. The platforms are also bigger and at a lesser angle compared to newer, more competitive, "up-to-date" models. Our swimmers see these newer, metal blocks at most of our away meets and at our divisional/state meets. Because our swimmers are not used to diving off of these blocks, many are anxious about diving at other pools and meets.
True starting blocks that are comparable to what swimmers would see in year-round or high school swim run about $3500 per block. These blocks [see below] are much higher quality and should have a lifespan of at least 10-15 years, along with providing a better starting platform for swimmers. These blocks would prepare our swimmers for away meets and our divisional meet at Georgia Tech and would aid in better swimmer dive development. They anchor into the concrete and are a safer, more stable option - currently adults stand on the back of our blocks to keep them stable when swimmers are diving.
The HOA has agreed to provide $5000 to pay for installation, and the swim team has been setting aside money from concessions and swag to help pay for these, but they are still a large expense. Our swimmers need your help to continue investing in our program and aiding us in our growth! Please share this page and consider donating to help support our swim team!
TCF Blocks
St. Marlo Competitive Blocks
Aberdeen Competitive Blocks