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Knowledge is power, the power for Native women to take charge in their right to learn, to make informed healthcare decisions and to work toward ending healthcare disparities for generations to come. Our goal is to address the national maternal health crisis in Native women by empowering them to become self-advocates in their own health and be well informed about healthcare options. The path to personal health sovereignty will encompass knowledge from both traditional and western worldviews and services by providers that consider the challenges Native women face every day as barriers to learning and receiving good care. Body and Soul Sovereignty, United will provide Native women with access to health knowledge at their point of need, without interruption, stigma, bias or fear and offer optimal and more comprehensive services in maternal health. Doing so will be the impetus that guides the health and well-being of Native women and their future generations. We need your help now to contribute toward the hiring of key personnel who will provide holistic health and social services to Native women. Every day, every hour and every second that goes by, a Native woman struggles with marginalization, violence, trauma, and other debilitating social determinants of health, in addition to the impact on her baby. Let us act now and be proactive in preventing health adversity rather than waiting and trying to resolve the damage that has already been done.

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We are a 501 ©(3) charitable organization, EIN 86-2454955. All contributions are tax deductible. No goods or services will be provided in exchange for the contribution.
Take Back Your Body and Soul: Empowering Native Women to Become Self-Advocates in Pregnancy and Break the Cycle of Maternal Healthcare Inequality.

Healing For The Body And Soul Of Native Women

Be Part Of The Movement

Whether you’re an indigenous woman or generous individual who just wants to make a difference,

we want everyone to become part of our movement for equitable healthcare for all. It’s obvious that

Native women in particular are receiving the short end of the stick when it comes to accessing both

healthcare knowledge and services. The time has come to say no more!

Body And Soul Sovereignty, United is a non-profit organization that is fully invested in addressing

the entire range of challenges that Native women face every day. We aren’t here to dictate or

preach to anyone. Our goal is only to make healthcare information and services available to the

women who desperately need it so that they can choose for themselves how they want to

approach their wellbeing.

Join this movement for real change!