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HELP UKRAINE - URGENT CRITICAL AID REQUIRED - Generators, Chainsaws, Ecoflow units, Starlink systems, Medical Supplies, Used Vehicles, Chainsaws, Clothing, Food, Tarpaulins.

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Sustaine Ukraine is a registered charitable organisation in Ukraine - Identification code 45239157
HELP Sustain Ukraine provide critical aid to Ukrainians affected and displaced by the war.

This campaign is open and ongoing and aimed solely at sourcing donor aid to purchase critically needed items for Ukraine and Ukrainians, during an invasion and occupation, which is now over 850 days old. The conflict has destroyed lives, devastated communities and trampled on the freedom and democracy of Ukrainians. The devastation and misery show no signs of ending soon and critical items are constantly needed.

Sustain Ukraine uses all money spent purchasing items that are immediately sent across Ukraine to where they are needed, this includes to hospitals, rehabilitation units, schools, families and communities under fire and to the Armed Forces of Ukraine. 

Our trusty van!

The items most needed at the moment in Ukraine are:

  • Generators - for emergency power
  • Starlink systems - for communication
  • Ecoflow power storage units
  • USB rechargeable LED lights and torches
  • Medical supplies - including tactical medicine kits (IFAK's)
  • Chainsaws - to clear roads and prepare timber for winter heating
  • Vehicles
  • Clothing - for IDP's
  • Sleeping bags
  • Food items
  • Personal hygiene items
  • Gas canisters and heating and cooking attachments
  • Housing repair items - tarpaulins, durable plastic sheeting rolls, water storage containers and water tanks
  • Tablets, Laptops, PC's - for school children to study at home

These are the lifeblood items for households and small businesses to function, for hospitals to keep treating, for families to stay warm and fed, for children to access education at home and for troops to keep defending. Russia continues to target energy infrastructure and bombard communities as a desperate way to try and win the war, and this continues to put a huge strain on the electricity grid, which remains fragile. 50% of Ukraine's energy generating capacity has been destroyed.

This means villages and towns have no electricity, there is no light and no power to charge devices and communicate, many suffer and those fighting find it even more difficult. Critical sites like hospitals have to improvise. Generators are most needed in the remote areas that have been heavily affected and damaged and struggle to receive much needed aid.

Our team has been providing assistance since the start of the war mainly through our members own donations, providing food, clothing and financial support. We have provided sleeping bags, thermal underwear, waterproof socks and jackets and camping stoves to serving members. There are constant aid runs made by our volunteers and partners, into villages and communities, many under fire, to provide critical items, food, clothing and support. We need assistance from donors to continue to deliver to the people of Ukraine, your support is invaluable and you will see what your donations achieve.

We also support recuperating soldiers in the military hospitals, delivering items to keep up morale like food, cigarettes, chocolate, hygiene products, underwear and socks and some special items they need as a result of the injuries they sustain.


Please help us to help Ukraine and the strong and resilient people who are fighting for their homeland and for simple peace and democracy. This war has now been going on for nearly three years and it has to stop. The more we help, the quicker it ends. To all the heroes from Ukraine fighting to protect your people and land, we salute you 100%. We also send a special thanks to our volunteer partners and charity organisations.

Warm Clothing and Sleeping BagsKharkiv Cemetery - Tribute to Warriors

Any questions please message us through the page here or on the donor wall. If anyone wants to accompany me to Kyiv, let me know. Just seeing foreigners on the ground showing they care, gives Ukrainians hope normalcy will return.

You can contact me directly using [email protected] or for any general questions or suggestions, [email protected] . Sustain Ukraine is a registered charitable organisation in Ukraine - Identification code 45239157

Thanks and God Bless.

Dylan, Max, Neil

Co-Founders Sustain Ukraine

Slava Ukraini! 

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