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Maya’s Hope is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping cutie pies around the world. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.
Maya's Hope: Surgery for a boy with encephalocele (Ph)

Ryle was born with Encephalocele. 

It is a rare type of birth defect of the neural tube that affects the brain. Encephalocele happens when the neural tube does not close completely during pregnancy. The result is an opening anywhere along the center of the skull from the nose to the back of the neck. 

Ryle is an 8-month-old baby boy in the Philippines. So far his life consists of regular check-ups at the hospital. The suck on his neck has to be operated, but the boy is too young. 

At the hospital, Ryle’s parents were told that the doctors could only operate on him after he was more than 6 months old. So the family waited. 

Finally, the time has come! Ryle is old enough to have his life-changing surgery, but another obstacle stands in his way. The family’s health insurance does not cover the expenses of the surgery. It was used to fund his checkups. Ryle’s family is heartbroken. 

Ryle urgently needs surgery surgery to reposition the brain tissue and repair his skull. The sac gets larger every day. 

Time is not on Ryle's side. The longer the surgery is delayed, the greater the risk to his well-being. Your support can make a critical difference in ensuring Ryle starts the new year on a path to improved health and a brighter future.

Can you please help Ryle get a life-changing surgery?