Ever had that feeling where you're doing your best to handle a situation, but life keeps throwing challenges your way? Now, picture that your child’s life depends on this situation.
This is what Kailey’s parents are going through right now.
Baby Kailey is a 1.5-year-old girl in the Philippines. She was born with a lump on her back and diagnosed with Meningocele, a type of Spina Bifida, where the protective covering of the spinal cord balloons out, filled with fluid but without any spinal tissue inside.
Luckily, patients with meningocele usually have a good outlook with straightforward surgery to fix the spinal covering. But luck has bypassed Kailey.
Her parents are trying to make ends meet on a mere $115/month income, which is hardly enough to cover Kailey’s and her sister’s basic needs, let alone the expensive surgery. The father works as a construction worker and is actively searching for better opportunities. Kailey’s mother chips into the family’s budget by doing massage and cupping. However, despite their hard work, the little girl’s parents are not able to afford the surgery.
So Kailey’s mother turned to the public hospitals for help, but she received a negative answer. The first hospital refused to do the surgery because they prioritize people, who are dying. At the second hospital, the doctors don’t have the necessary supplies to perform this kind of surgery.
In their desperation Kailey’s parents turned to Maya’s Hope: “Please help my child. My child is always crying because the lump is painful” - wrote her mother.
Can you ease Kailey’s pain? Can you help this little girl get a life-saving surgery?