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Become a sustaining member of PSCA

A donor account is created automatically for recurring donations. Account setup info will be emailed to you.
You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time
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CVC CodeThe 3-4 digits on the back of your credit card
Enter the Zip/Postal code for your credit card billing address

Donate from your bank using Plaid, a secure and encrypted bank transfer service.

You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time

Support Passyunk Square Civic Association

Passyunk Square Civic Association (PSCA) works to create and sponsor programs that create a positive living environment for everyone in or community: from partnering with the Pennsylvania Horticultural Society to plant trees, organizing favorite events like our Home Tour, Art Auction and Neighborhood History Tour to hosting a language exchange program to help neighbors practice their Spanish or English.

Operating expenses cover costs for activities such as running our general meetings, paying for administrative costs such as insurance and membership fees, program expenses for events and activities, childcare at our meetings, supporting neighborhood events and school and park programs, sharing important information from the city via flyering and social media, and being ready to respond to situations in the neighborhood that benefit from a clear and trusted source of information. 

We hope you can help  offer the services the neighborhood has come to depend on. You can choose to support in one of two ways:

1) Make a monthly recurring gift

PSCA does not charge membership fees as we are committed to serving everyone in our boundaries just as a benefit of being a resident here. With the sustaining support of just a few generous neighbors, we can plan to keep the neighborhood a bit cleaner and to help keep all the necessary organizational supports in place.  We suggest a gift of $15 a month. If you’d like to make it a little more or a little less, you can adjust through our online platform. You can also log in and control your gift and cancel at any time.

2) Make a special one-time gift to help us this year

If you are able or if you prefer, you can make a one-time donation for this year only.

If you prefer to mail a gift, please make checks payable to: Passyunk Square Civic Association and mail to P.O. Box 18052, Philadelphia, PA 19147

Thank you for your support!