In the Fall of 2021, two parents, passionate to hold the line on parents' rights to educate and raise their children without the dictates and mandates of an exceedingly over-reaching public education system, joined forces and Sol Learning Center was born. The "accepted system" of education in this country has stripped parents and their children of their right to autonomy over their own bodies and minds. Sol Learning Center is the firewall to this system. Organized as a Private Membership Association, we operate outside of the public domain, allowing parents to enroll their children free of medical coercion. "Sol", stands for "School of Life", which embodies our vision of expanding education beyond core academics and allowing children to see, touch and experience learning outside the classroom. Our heart's goal is to spark the love of learning in each child and nurture their curiosity for life. Ultimately, we want to blaze a path for other communities to follow our lead, to take back the reins of their children’s education, and boldly stand in their truth and power.
We have an emerging need to expand our center to encompass the growing number of families wishing to attend. The funds from your generous support will be used to add more educators to our team, expand our space, help lower-income families with tuition assistance, purchase curriculum and needed supplies, supplement teachers' and aids' compensation, and provide the resources to create programs centered around creativity and life skills.
To find out more about our learning center visit our website: