Here's to Garrett Epps. Thanks for the clarity.From the Bear.
America needs you.
2025: not exactly the America Charlie Peters had in on reporting!
I started reading this magazine while in college in the 1980’s. Thank you for your continuing great work!
Thank you Paul Glastris and the Monthy's staff for your essetial solutions-based policy-focused journalism--needed more now than ever!
At age 81, forgot how much I loved this magazine, and at the time Charles.
Please keep pushing great ideas, Paul and your great team!
Always a must read, the Monthly is even more essential in the year ahead
The work done by the Washington Monthly is more important than ever. Keep up the great stories, analysis and progressive solutions.
Egad! Stop telling me how old you are ): cuz it makes me realize how old I am too! An early subscriber
Charlie Peters was one of my heroes. Please publish all of his Titling at Windmill columns & the Memos of the Month. It could be a fundraiser. Also please dissect the problem with bureaucracies - government, corporate, & non-profit - and offer solutions. Also, please print the Monthly in larger type!
Proud to donate.
It's so impressive how the Monthly has survived and thrived -- just the best investigative policy reporting and substantive book reviews! Keep it up!
have been aboard with you since almost the beginning...quite a wonderful trip!
In honor of Alice Gallin Dwyer
In these times we need to step up and support the institutions that speak the truth without coloring it.
In honor of Mark Binker, the best journalist I ever knew.