I wish we had found this type of support when we needed it most a few years ago, before our son had lifechanging bottom surgery which has turned out to have been the wrong decision for him.
Our Duty Canada is doing great work figthing for parental rights and opposing gender ideology.
Thank you for protecting confused children from abusive ideology pushed by activists.
Your work is invaluable and so apreciated.
Thank YOU, Erin & everyone at Our Duty for stepping up to prevent further mutilation of children! How this is not recognized as the greatest scourge of modern times is unbelievable?! Thank you for all you're doing - I have been fighting for the truth here in the Boston area for a few years (as my kid has been caught up in this hell). Pledging monthly for continued support.
Although I am not a parent, I am heartened by and would like to support the work you do to prevent children being medicalised.
Important work. Call out parents who pay private clinics who prescribe sex-change drugs without Cass-assessment
To support your vital work and keep children safe from the Protect&Teach team.
Thank you for everything you are doing to protect our children.
Thank you for helping parents to protect the next generation from grave harm!
Thank you Erin!
For establishing 501.c.3 Status of USA chapters then for general U.S. chapters operations.
Thank you for a ticket to the LGB Alliance conference which I repay here
Thank you for your efforts in this matter.
Saskatchewan - Thanks for all your hard worl on this! I have two captured daughters.
Proud to support this group of parents protecting kids from harm. Keep up the great work! You are making a difference. In support of Saskatchewan.
Saskatchewan parents
Praise the Lord parents are standing up! God bless you all 🙏🏻
Thank you for having the courage to protect our children. For being a force for good. And for helping loving parents find hope, support and sanity.
This is a worthy cause. I heard Erin Friday on just pearlythings. I dont have childeren of my own, but I do care about the future of this country and this world. I dont understand why your still a democrat, but that wont stop me from helping.
I'm a parent. I'm not affected but my heart goes out to all parents who are. I was in a cult so know what it's like on the inside and outside, tho not this type of cult. This is a very difficult issue to solve and I wish I could do more. Best wishes
I am so grateful someone is actually starting to defend our kids. My 14 YO was subjected to sexually explicit teachings here in an Edmonton public school. There is no need for a 14 YO to learn more about sex acts that her adult parents did at that age. It is truly vile material for such young children.
Thank you Erin Friday for being so strong. It will take time, but you will win eventually.
Heard you on Boyce, thanks for the work you're doing. I have a daughter caught up in this. I believe she will come out but it's terrifying to live through this moment in history as a parent of an adolescent.
Thank you! We will win eventually! Just today on Armstrong and Getty (a very popular talk show in CA) they exposed Compass Real Estate for firing their employee Janet Roberson because she spoke at a school board meeting as just a mom questioning her children’s gender and sex education curriculum at their public school. The progressive democrats of Benicia demanded that Compass Real Estate fire her or else! And they caved immediately. Never hire a Compass Agent!