We educate, agitate, and organize city workers to improve their lives and the New Orleans community.
New Orleans City Workers Organizing Committee (NOCWOC) is made up of rank-and-file city workers rebuilding the union for New Orleans city employees.
Since March 2020, NOCWOC has been organizing to win important struggles for workplace safety, to protect our public goods, and improve worker pay and benefits.
We have:
Led campaigns to protect public health and staff safety at the start of the COVID-19 pandemic
Led the Save Your NOLA Library Campaign in 2020 and 2021 that defended funding for our public library system
Helped win a $15/hour minimum wage for city workers and city contracted workers in 2021.
We stand for a democratic and member-led union that is responsive to member concerns. We stand for a union that advances the cause of worker rights not just for our workplaces but for the city’s working class as a whole.