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    Groupe Utalii Kwetu is a nonprofit fully registered under the laws of the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Reg. number : N°JUST/SG/20/129/2022 | Tax ID. A2201350S The nonprofit has worked with the US department of state and is registered in the US System for Award Management (SAM) under Unique Entity ID (UEI): UVETLB6J3QX3



    Africa is the least responsible for climate disruption yet is among the first and worst to suffer.  Some of the solutions to the changing climate are in Africa. Science tells us that this decade is the most important one for us to keep this earth livable. We believe that preserving Africa’s surviving tropical forests and planting new trees to replace those lost to deforestation could help reduce the severity of climate change by absorbing more carbon from the air, and ease the local impact of climate change by regulating local weather conditions. 




    Support a child with a book on nature conservation and environmental protection


    Much of society in DR Congo is not aware of the importance of protecting our environment. This translates into a rapid deforestation which could lead to an extinction of the Congolese tropical rainforest by the turn of the century. 

    The goal of the campaign is to leverage education to foster more favorable attitudes towards Virunga National Park and make possible a continuing biodiversity conservation in the oldest and most bio diverse national park on the continent of Africa. Virunga National Park is a part of the Congolese tropical rainforest. 

    We believe that conservation education will provide authentic opportunities for learning and give our children, leaders of tomorrow, an opportunity to connect with the nature around them in a meaningful way. We have made books for the all the classes of primary school in the DR Congo. One book goes for 10 USD. We have currently covered 6175 schoolchildren spread across 25 schools in eastern Congo. The goal is to reach 10 000 schoolkids by the next primary school year starting in September 2022. 

    Support a kid : 10 USD, Support a class of 50 children with 500 USD, support an entire school of 500 kids with 5000 USD. 


    Sponsor a tree 


    Trees, the dominant inhabitants of the diverse and complex ecological systems called forests, are among the world’s largest and most efficient living storehouses of carbon monoxide, the “greenhouse gas” most responsible for the earth’s temperature rise and changes in the planet’s climate. Unfortunately, in the Congo Bassin, lack of environmental education is leading to deforestation at an alarming rate. 

    Join us in our campaign to planting 100 000 trees by the end of 2023. By sponsoring a tree, you fund a tree planting activity of at least one tree. The planting is done with a kid to not only initiate him/her to environmental protection but also to contributing to carbon sequestration. Sponsoring one tree goes for 2$, the money is used to plant the tree and follow up with monitoring for the next year. Given, the good climate and arable lands of the region, after that period the tree grows on it own.  


    Sponsor the purchase of Virtual Reality Headset  


    Reading about the rainforest can be interesting. But meeting a jaguar while hiking the Amazon brings those words to life. And although memorizing the stages of photosynthesis could mean a good test grade, diving inside a leaf to view the process firsthand will spark a future scientist.

    Enhancing and extending the learning experience is what Virtual Reality can offer students, and is possibly one of the most powerful of all technologies that could help change how we learn about nature conservation and environmental protection. 

    We believe that delivering essential Virtual Reality technologies and reliable climate information to millions of children in DR Congo is at the heart of how Groupe Utalii Kwetu nonprofit can help address the climate crisis. We now use One VR Headset for more than 6 000 children in Eastern Congo enrolled in our environmental education program. We need up to a minimum of 50 Headset to start operate effectively. One VR/AR headset goes for 500 USD. 


    Support a radio and television broadcast sensitizing up 1 000 people on environmental protection


    The goal of this campaign is to raise awareness among the general public on the importance of the environment and the threats it faces. It aims to create tangible actions and solutions to face those threats that will inevitably impact humans.

    Our environmental awareness activities include: 

    • Radio and television broadcasts hosted weekly by children
    • Plays on nature conservation and environment with kids (live or on air)
    • Various publications (Journal articles, books, comic books,…)

    On awareness activity costs around 100 USD


    Support a researcher


    Research is important to develop an integrated evolutionarily-informed framework for protecting and managing the Congolese tropical rainforest

    Strong of our team of more than 50 researchers, we are glad to be at the forefront of organizing research related to environmental protection in DR Congo. In only few months since the research department started, our researchers have started producing relevant knowledge that will help us to fully understand the challenges and opportunities in the environmental protection sector in DR Congo. The assessments, we believe will lay a ground for decision making for policy makers, funders, nonprofit leaders….

    Despite being a global public good, the Congolese tropical rainforest is well behind southeast Asia and the Amazon in terms of attracting international funding for research. You can help change that by sponsoring a researcher with monthly donation of 300 USD