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Help us support migrant farmworkers and their families in New Jersey by providing health and hygiene education, food, children snacks and cereals,protective clothing,PPE and toiletries.

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L.A.M.P is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 82-4877365. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Summer 2021 N.J Migrant Farmworkers Support

Hello friends! We are thrilled for you to join us this year as we work together to 

raise funds for our hardworking essential migrant farmworkers in South Jersey. Each summer,migrant farmworkers and their families travel from various parts of Latin America (Mexico, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Haiti, etc.) and various parts of the United States to harvest blueberries from the months of June to August. In these short but very crucial and intense months, farmworkers and their families live in very confined and difficult living conditions in close proximity where they harvest seasonal blueberries.

These last few years has been successful with help of volunteers and donors for our annual Migrant Farmworkers Support Outreach Day. We dedicate a full day to visit various camps and provide toiletries, PPE, health education, children activities, protective gear, food and more. With your help this year, it is our hope to continue these efforts and provide much more. In addition, we are highlighting the women and men who travel with farmworkers and work tirelessly in the kitchen of these farm camps preparing daily meals for hundreds of workers.We will be providing Kitchen Care Boxes that will include aprons, non- toxic disinfectants, gloves, hand wash, cooking utensils and other cooking supplies.

Through my nonprofit L.A.M.P, our goal is to raise 5,000.00 in funds to support the migrant farmworkers and their families this summer. Every dollar raised will support our farmworkers. We can not do this with you. Let's bring joy and justice in the fields together.

If you are interested in shipping items directly to me or volunteering please reach me at

Thank You. Muchas Gracias. Merci.

In Solidarity,

Guerline M. Pierre, Founder of L.A.M.P