Suez Canal Situation Highlights Atrocious Animal Trade, With 200K Animals Stuck On Ships

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It's impossible for us to imagine what they are going through.

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Donor Wall 9

Inger Olsson | $2.39

Carmela Hilton | $5.50

Polly hodson | $10.70

Please make this Barbarity STOP

Michael Wright | $5.50

I'm trusting, that my small donation, is going towards what you say it is. The SUEZ agenda. Thank you for your efforts.

Heather Green | $21.08

Thank you for bringing these atrocities to our attention and for giving us all the opportunity to do something about it

Linda Kubik | $21.08

Robert Lyver | $2.39

Kathryn Quinn | $21.08/M

Thank you for all you do to help the helpless animals!!!! 💔🙏🏻🙏🏻

Marie Greenhalgh | $2.39