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Stroke Patient Recovering

A bit of backstory----

My mother recently had a stroke, is home now and recovering. Her speech is good some days/not so good other days. She can write her name; can't type {left hand is numb/tingling}.

I am living with her and the only one taking care of her.

While she was still in the hospital, I asked friends/family for assistance. No help.


Present day, we are in need of financial assistance. I am her caregiver {unofficially} -I do not I qualify to be her caregiver.

I cannot leave her for more than hour - OT, PT, and nurse's orders.


What we are needing financial aid for:

~ doing laundry {weekly}

~ dish liquid

~ headache medicine {BC Powder, Tylenol, ect.}

~Metrolift tickets {1 sheet - $12.50}

~ Mom's medicine {when refill's come up & what insurance/Medicare does not cover}

She is in need of a bath chair, Medicare did not approve it. She has has not a proper bath/shower since July 2021 - only sponge baths. 

I am looking for online work - as I cannot leave her alone. Everything I have to do {laundry, groceries, ect}, she has to come along.

Also, it is worth mentioning - Mom cannot walk far without her walker.

God Bless everyone who reads this, whether you can offer help or not.