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Dear Friends of Life!

Recently "STRAY ANGELS" (a private non-profit association in Sofia, Bulgaria) made an URGENT call that they have to stop their activities for an indefinite period due to the lack of adoptions and accumulated obligations.

Although the worst and immediate need could be avoided through the generous and quick response of the animal friends community, we want to help ensuring, that they can continue with their tireless and selfless work also in the future.

  • Partnership with adoption organizations in BG and abroad.
  • Adopters and foster parents in Bulgaria and abroad.
  • Means to cover the obligations of care and treatment of existing animals.
Your support will greatly benefit STRAY ANGELS Bulgaria in securing ongoing operations!

All it matters is that your heart is in the right place!

Your support is greatly appreciated!
Lend a Helping Paw!
Thank you!

The "Theodora von Auersperg (TvA) International Foundation for the Good of Animals and Children" is a private non-profit organization located in Vienna, Austria.

                       WHY JOIN US

Non-profit organization, Reg. Nr.: 1443604553 All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer.  No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.