Toto’s story begins on August 4, 2018, at the sanctuary, where he would take his first breaths amidst a backdrop of struggle and resilience. Just two months earlier, we welcomed his mother, Naomi, his father, Wilbur, and his two older siblings, Watson and Piglynn.
Their previous owners had ventured into breeding pigs, but when Naomi’s first litter couldn’t find homes at a yard sale—where they tried selling them for a mere $30 each—they decided they no longer wanted the burden of caring for them. And so, they turned to us for help.
Naomi arrived in poor condition, frail from insufficient food while nursing her hefty three-month-old piglets. We were still newcomers to the sanctuary, having only recently opened our doors, blissfully unaware that she was pregnant once more. As Naomi began to regain her strength, we felt hopeful, unaware of the challenges that lay ahead.
On the morning Toto was born, our routine was shattered. As we stepped outside to feed breakfast, we found Naomi in distress, surrounded by several lifeless piglets and a tiny, struggling Toto, covered in dirt and ants. Panic surged through us as we rushed them both to the vet. Naomi was diagnosed with a severe case of pyometra, caused by two retained, decomposed piglets from her pregnancy. She underwent emergency surgery to be spayed and embarked on an aggressive treatment plan, fighting for her life.
Meanwhile, Toto needed to be hand-raised. With a blend of determination and care, we learned the ins and outs of caring for a newborn piglet, and Toto became our first success story. As Naomi recuperated, we were amazed at how resilient she was, and eventually, she was reunited with her herd.
Yet, the journey wasn’t over for Toto. We hesitated for months before transitioning him outside, unsure of how he would fare in the larger world. But when that day finally arrived, something extraordinary happened. Toto immediately found his mother. They embraced each other in a moment that felt almost magical—a bond that transcended time apart. A mother knows her son, and a son knows his mama.
Today, Toto has spent his entire life at the sanctuary, surrounded by his family. Watching them thrive together fills our hearts with joy, a testament to the power of love, resilience, and the unbreakable ties of family.
In the last year and a half, Toto has struggled with Arthritis caused from Osteochondrosis and struggling to keep weight on. We moved him into the medical barn for more individualized care and once he's on a good regiment for his pain and weight control, we plan to re-introduce him to his mom, Naomi. In the meantime, Toto is very content with his private story time sessions, extra meals, and extra snuggles.
Toto is a pig who could greatly benefit from a few monthly sponsors to help offset the cost of his ongoing medical care and extra meals and supplements.