Click the Donate Button to Sponsor Seymour for $650 Per Year! ❤️
Seymour the water buffalo joined us a couple of years ago from Farm Sanctuary in New York. Like cows, water buffalo are raised in dairies in this country, and unfortunately, male water buffalo often face the same fate of being deemed useless and sent to slaughter at birth. Fortunately, Seymour was spared from that destiny ten years ago by his former guardian.
Living on a property owned by his guardian’s mother, Seymour faced an uncertain future when the property went up for sale. His guardian made the compassionate decision to find Seymour a new home to prevent him from being sold back into the industry.
Today, Seymour calls our second property, Critter Hills, his home, where he receives all the love, care, and plenty of APPLES (his absolute favorite)!
Your sponsorship allows us to give Seymour the life he deserves, and funds his veterinary care, feed, hay, and more. With your annual sponsorship, you’ll receive a digital and print certificate of “adoption,” quarterly email updates with exclusive photos, and an invitation to our exclusive sponsors-only virtual tour. In addition, your name will be displayed on Seymour’s page, acknowledging you as his sponsor.
Sponsorships are not only a great way to support the rescued residents of Critter Creek, but they also make great gifts!