If you've been around camp during the summer in the last 10 years, then you've probably either seen or gotten to take a ride on the Giant Slip-n-Slide! Campers and staff alike look forward to this epic event during their weeks at camp and the amount of cheering heard around the camp for the first person to reach the end of the slide each week is cool to behold. Whether it's the adrenaline jockey who wants to go as far as possible or the first-time slider overcoming a fear, the encouragement when a camper sets out to accomplish something on the Giant Slip-n-Slide is another of the many ways that campers experience belonging at BLC.
In an effort to take the Giant Slip-n-Slide to the next level of fun (as well as greater distances and safety), we are looking to upgrade the setup by purchasing the Rave Turbo Chute Extreme! This is a significant expense, but the benefits (Two sliders at a time, faster setup/clean up, less water usage, safer ride experience, easier to get the hang of) are definitely worth it!
If you (or your church or business) would like to be a part of making this memory making experience for our campers even more epic, you can make a tax-deductible donation to the camp towards the purchase of this equipment!
Thank you for partnering with the ministry of Bear Lake Camp as we seek to provide an environment where campers can be challenged to know and mature in Christ!