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Are you prepared for a future without Irrawaddy Dolphins?

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Save the fishermen and the Irrawaddy dolphins

Are You Prepared for a FUTURE Without Irrawaddy Dolphins and Cooperative Fishermen?

These iconic and majestic dolphins are not only a barometer to measure the state of the Irrawaddy river ecosystem in Myanmar, but they also help local cast-net fishermen increase their catch through a unique culture called "Cooperative Fishing". Sadly, however, habitat degradation, pollution, poaching, and the emergence of illegal electric fishing cartels and driven this species to the brink of extinction. According to the latest census, there were only about 70 individuals left. More importantly, the cooperative fishermen who protect the dolphins are now struck down by COVID-19 infections, without any access to health care, medicine, or any support from both the government and the public.

Save Irrawaddy Dolphin campaign seeks to rebrand these dolphins from "A Big Catch" to "National Treasures" by documenting the unique "Cooperative Fishing" culture between the dolphins and local fishermen as an "Intangible Cultural Heritage" (ICH) under the UNESCO convention. A social survey will be conducted in August 2021 at the fishing villages along with the Dolphin Protected Area along the Irrawaddy river to systematically studying and documenting this unique culture for the first time. During and after the interview process, we will provide financial aids to the fishermen to support them through the pandemic.

To Nature Lovers and Dolphin enthusiasts, this unique culture and this population of dolphins will be lost forever if urgent action is not taken to save them. Therefore, we are accepting donations to save the fishermen who are protecting the dolphins and safeguard this culture. Please support us to save them NOW! Before it becomes too late.

This project is made possible by a small grant by the United States government's signature program, the Young Southeast Asian Leadership Initiative (YESEALI), and the Save Philippines Sea (SPS).