Counselor Clare Klement (center) and campers
Father Dylan James leads Eucharistic Procession and Adoration
Counselor Anthony Bruno
Counselor Hannah Kline
Counselors Nick Whiteside (far left) and Kolbe Myers (cowboy hat) and their campers
Two Franciscan Sisters of the Eucharist
THANK YOU for making St. Therese's Camp such a powerful place to strengthen young people in their Catholic faith. Thanks to you, GREAT THINGS happen here in young lives.
Today, on my 55th birthday, help me deepen the impact on our campers and retreatants by bringing counselors and presenters to St. Therese's Camp! I hope to reach $5500-that's $100 for every year I've been alive-to offset travel and speaker expenses.
I’m grateful for a wonderful mom, a wonderful dad and a great brother. I’m thankful for the blessings of good health and educational and work opportunities over five decades. I’m grateful also for the opportunity that our family now enjoys to facilitate positive, life-changing encounters between Jesus and young people at St. Therese’s Camp.
The most important aspect of camp, after Jesus himself, are the counselors who shepherd the campers and the presenters (priests, religious sisters, and speakers) who deliver the programs. Being in Alaska draws counselors; it makes St. Therese's even more interesting to adventurous Catholic college students. But it’s also a financial challenge to them. We provide a stipend while they're here, but they buy their own plane tickets.
Furthermore, we're creating new events like the young adult retreat called Genesis. We know excellent speakers and presenters from outside the state who will lead events at reduced rates or just in exchange for transportation costs. We are in contact with an order of priests who will conduct May’s Genesis retreat simply if we cover their travel expenses.
Your generosity will deliver a tremendously important aspect to our campers and retreatants: vibrantly Catholic counselors and presenters. I cannot overemphasize the impact that faithful and personable counselors and presenters have on young people. I have seen that impact with my own eyes, and I've heard countless stories of children and families changed through the example and words of counselors.
Here are examples from summer 2022 alone:
"Both of my children talked about how wonderful all of the staff were and how they bonded with many of them."
"John has not stopped talking about the counselors since we left camp and he showed me the Polaroid pictures that he took with some of them. He also told me that camp would not be the same if they did not have good counselors that really loved being at camp with them. Please thank the counselors again on our behalf!"
"Camp is where I've met so many good friends and camp has always given me so many young adults to look up to. I’m still in contact with several of them and Allison Engelbert (former counselor and program director) – is my confirmation sponsor. Despite having amazing parents who taught me the faith well, it isn’t quite the same as seeing young adults living out their faith."
"She loved the night games and her counsellor. The counsellors seemed like great young role models for the kids. They loved their faith and passed on that excitement."
"Here's what was good: Having a priest on the premise to offer Mass, confessions, and adoration."
On my birthday, help me "pay it forward" and bring great counselors and presenters to camp.
Go to the green Donate button, click on it to donate, and spread the word by sharing this campaign!
You can also send a check to:
St. Therese's Camp
7180 E. Twin Lakes Dr.
Wasilla AK 99654
Feel free to contact me with any questions.
Thank you again for making my birthday special by enriching the camp experience for those who come to St. Therese's Camp!
God bless you.
Rudy Poglitsh
Rudy Poglitsh, St. Therese's Camp Director