"Come, all you who are thirsty..."
The Lord has put something BIG on our hearts! He has given us a mission to spread the Love of Christ and to promote health and healing! We hope to provide an alternative, to all the things that are awful in the current healthcare system.
NO insurance, NO red tape, NO pushing treatments that make people sicker, NO rushing patients through, NO wondering if you can trust your provider, and NO leading people to compromise their core faith values!
We want to offer more: A refuge of loving, pro-life care. Care that looks at the whole picture and addresses the root-cause. Care that doesn't just make you feel better physically, but spiritually and emotionally too. We will do this through Primary Care with a foundation of lifestyle medicine, consultation with a naturopathic doctor, massage, prayer ministry, and women's health including natural family planning and NaProTechnology consultation. By three years we will add on pediatrics and obstetrics and gynecology, making Regina Caeli Clinic a one-stop-shop for families looking for this sort of care. But most importantly, we will extend this care to our neighbors, who cannot afford to pay for healthcare. We will offer charitable care to at least 30% of our patient population. We are spreading the Love of Christ, the way He asked us to!
But we need your help! Please donate today to help us offer this needed care in both the Lakes Region and Manchester, NH.
For more information, please email: reginacaeliclinicnh@gmail.com