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Keep the music on Vashon playing! Join our recurring donors club!

A donor account is created automatically for recurring donations. Account setup info will be emailed to you.
You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time

Choose a payment option:

Credit/Debit Card
Bank Transfer


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By using Apple Pay, you will provide your name, e-mail and address.
By using Google Pay, you will provide your name, e-mail and address.
CVC CodeThe 3-4 digits on the back of your credit card
Enter the Zip/Postal code for your credit card billing address
Donate from your bank using Plaid, a secure and encrypted bank transfer service.

You can log in to edit your recurring donation any time

Vashon Events is a 501(c)(3) organization, EIN 32-0516724. All donations are deemed tax-deductible absent any limitations on deductibility applicable to a particular taxpayer. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Recurring Donations
Carole A Meriam

Carole Meriam

Carole Sussman

Vashon Heritage Museum

Thanks for all you do to support the Heritage Museum and the work we do.

Terrapin Tile

Nancy Stone

Thank you for your many hours of work. You contribute greatly to the Vashon community.

Stephen Silha

Really appreciate your celebrating LGBTQ arts on Vashon!

Carolyn Anderson