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Recipe for Change is a Section 501(c) (3) charitable organization, EIN 47-2510670. All donations are deemed tax-deductible. No goods or services were provided in exchange for your contribution.
Recipe for Change Kitchen Reopen Campaign!

After a lot of research and in partnership with the Cook County Sheriff’s Office, we are so excited to share that we are back in the Recipe for Change kitchen at Cook County Jail! In order to ensure the safety of RFC instructors, students, and jail staff, we have developed rigorous safety protocols and procedures to get us back up and running for in-person instruction!

Our students are SO EXCITED to be back in the kitchen but in order to make it thrive, 

we need your help! 

That’s why we've launched our kitchen reopening campaign! 

Help us fill our kitchen with educational resources, delicious food, exceptional instructors, and all of the equipment our students need to be successful

Will you help us raise $10,000?

Our program has a real impact on the lives of our students. Here's what one student said about the Recipe for Change program.

"The program made me realize there's more to life than just jail. It gave me a sense of purpose while inside, not just sitting and doing time...I have newfound confidence I never had and this inner fire in me to improve myself and follow my culinary career." 

- Pedro (former RFC student)