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Bright Eyed, Inc is a 501(c)(3) Tax-Exempt Organization as recognized by the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and the US Internal Revenue Service. Your Donation to Bright Eyed, Inc is fully tax-deductible within the guidelines of the United States law. Our EIN Number is 87-2673529.
Randy Moulton Runs the Vermont City Marathon

I’m a 35-year-old who loves his family and has been blessed with the second chance at life! I am seven years clean and sober. I love doing challenging things that require discipline and I’m excited to announce that I will be participating in the Vermont City Marathon on Sunday, May 26, 2024, to raise funds for Bright Eyed Inc., a cause that makes a positive impact on our community.

Help me reach my goal of raising $100 for every mile!

Your generous donations will go directly towards supporting Bright Eyed’s mission, to provide food kits to Lunenburg & Leominster students every Friday throughout the school year, offering support for the weekend when school meals are not available. Every donation, no matter the amount, will have a positive impact and bring us one step closer to my fundraising goal of $2,620.

Together, we can make a difference and create positive change for local students in need. 

With gratitude,

Randy Moulton

To learn more about Bright Eyed and their mission, please visit

Bright Eyed, Inc is a registered 501(c)(3) public charity, Federal Tax ID: 87-2673529. Your donation to Bright Eyed, Inc is fully tax-deductible within the guidelines of the United States law.