Throughout the year, The Karma House has an ongoing program called, Project Karma Cares. This project focuses on volunteering in the local community aiming to help the environment and assist those experiencing houselessness. Karma Cares also picks likeminded local organizations to help raise monetary donations for.
The Karma House also strives to provide frequent complimentary events with the goal to bring an event that would "normally have alcohol" to a safe alcohol free space for people to enjoy.
Some examples of where a donation might go:
-Monetary donations to a local nonprofit collected over a month
-Purchase of blankets, first aid supplies, foods, etc.. to put together and distribute care packages to the homeless.
-Purchase car wash, park clean up supplies, gardening tools, etc..
-Community fundraiser event facilitations
-and more!
have an idea for us or no a local cause in need?
Email us at today!