pl platoon
If you fancy getting involved visit our discord and signup. Just want to play? Look out for the PL servers (based in Germany) don't forget to add us to your favorites !
Collecting donations to help pay for the 'PLP SERVERS' #1 ! (Monthly progress shown above)
Include your BF3 soldier name, plus your Discord name and # if you would like to be recognized and gain VIP perks!
You will still required to obey the server rules. Do not donate to get unbanned.
Appeal bans on our Discord server:
You will get VIP on BOTH servers: 'PLP PLATOON' #1 !
- Reserved slot: Able to join even if the server is full.
- Ping and AFK Kick Whitelist: Won't be auto-kicked for ping or AFKing (Autokick is at 150 ping. Admins may still kick if ping is extremely bad or AFK for a very long time)
- Autobalance Whitelist: Won't be moved by the autobalancer, but will still be affected by team scrambles and admin moves.
- Votekick/ban Whitelist: Cannot be kicked/banned by player vote. Admins can still kick/ban.
- Optionally have the server announce your arrival with a custom "Battlecry".
- !moveme command: Switch teams at will.
- !lead command: Become the leader of your squad.
- !killme command: Kill yourself without adding a death to your stats.
- You will be thanked in an automatic server message thanking the most recent donators (If u would prefer not to be, u can specify that. Or, if no soldier/user is specified in your message, u will not be mentioned)
Remember that VIP gives you these perks, but you are still subject to the server rules.
For any questions or concerns, visit our Discord server:
Donor Wall8
Martin Kubik | £5
Steve | £5/M
Thanks for the continued provision of this most eggsellent server
Anonymous | £15
Your admins need to update the discord information in bf3 servers for servers, clicking on link does not work, only way it worked was once i came into your website
lukasz | £5
Boris Algra | £15
Anonymous | £25
Bilal | £5