The Bridge 2 Home is a multi-phase residential program for girls ages 12-17 who are identified as child sex trafficking victims and in the care of the South Carolina Department of Social Services. The Mission of the Bridge is to provide a safe and loving home where children and youth who are sex trafficking survivors can find healing, growth and experience the love of a perfect Heavenly Father who pursues them. This means that they will experience love and acceptance regardless of their faith and beliefs.
The overarching goals of the program are for the girls to understand their victimization, recognize the impact of their trauma and begin their path to healing. This will be done through a Trauma Informed Care model that is victim centered and empowers each child to make appropriate choices for their care. They will be encouraged to actively engage in discussions regarding their treatment and goals. We will ensure our girls are never forced or coerced in any way to participate in suggested activities.
To promote the success of each child, Bridge staff will assist each child in learning life skills, creating healthy boundaries, processing through negative behaviors, and fostering meaningful relationships. The girls will be given opportunities to experience new things such as music and art expression, athletics or fitness activities, and sightseeing or hiking. Ultimately, The Bridge seeks to enable them to move past their traumatic experiences and provide a “bridge” back to their home, traditional foster homes or, when appropriate, transitional housing. At The Bridge, the girls will learn that they are not defined by what happened to them. Instead, they will come understand that they are valued and loved.
For a minimum of $10.00 a month, you can be part of changing the trajectory of a child's life. When you commit to donating monthly and sharing the mission of The Bridge 2 Home with 2 friends, and challenge them to donate monthly and ‘Pass It On’ to 2 friends, together we will change the trajectory of a child's life. Our goal is to reach 3000 people that are willing to invest the price of 2 cups of coffee a month to give hope and a future to a child.
Please visit our website:
1st Cheryl Fogle $930.03 raised 29 donations
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