In lieu of gifts we would like to spread the love by asking our guests to please consider joining us in supporting Sanctuary First Foundation.
Sanctuary First Foundation is a 501(c)3 charitable organization committed to providing exceptional transitional housing for our most vulnerable individuals for up to two years.
SFF residents come from all walks of life, vary in age and are all in some form of recovery. All of them desire and benefit greatly from living in a safe and secure home in a wonderful neighborhood.
Their unique housing model provides high-end homes in great neighborhoods. They partner with multiple agencies providing resources for education, employment, counseling, peer support and referrals to medical treatment. They support dual diagnosis of addiction and depression. Their homes are strategically located near services that lead to successful recovery, education, and employment.
They offer support, tranquility, empowerment, safety, respect, and are committed to compassion, kindness, teamwork, and individual growth, but most importantly they provide...