1. A NEW DOD Form that records Trauma in real time. This form is to be used by the Armed Services as a Silent Voice for the Veteran at time of Discharge, give the VA a great handoff of the trauma the Service Member has Brushed against.
2. Change thanking Veterans for their Service, to Thank you For your Sacrifice (this is the silent pain and suffering Americans should recognize.
3. Use Warriors with 40-50 months in Combat, such as a Nationally Known Ranger John who fought with Rifle Co B, 3RD BN, 75TH REGIMENT in Mogadishu, Shot 3 times, wrote 5 books, to live by example, tell their story and let Veterans come forward like John and I and say it is okay to be Broken, being alone and hopeless is a false mindset that can be avoided in teams.
4. Reduce spending on awareness and increase the budget on suicide Action. Veterans are the product of DOD, and should be second to DOD as the most professional organization in the world, close Generational Gaps.
5. Confer on how we are going to get the young generations in the VFW. Without GWOT support this great organization may pass with our beloved Vietnam Heroes.