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Offset Your Daily School Commute - Rochambeau’s Sustainable Development Club

The average American emits 6,000 pounds of CO2 each year just from their commute. That’s equal to 125 trees!

Unless you are walking or biking, your commute probably produces greenhouse gas emissions. Luckily, trees are natural carbon sinks - in other words, they remove carbon dioxide (CO2) from the atmosphere and use it to grow. A carbon offset lets you help plant exactly enough trees to absorb all that CO2 you are putting into the atmosphere.

You can calculate your the true cost of your commute to school and back here:

To simplify the process, the sustainability club calculated the monthly carbon footprint if you live within a 20mile radius…so if you:

Walked or Biked….Congratulations! You have a $0 cost! 

If you took the bus or public transport…your cost is $3

If you carpooled with other families…your cost is $5

If you drove to school…your cost is $10