In 2021 Northern Ireland Unionists have had imposed upon them internal UK border posts at Larne, Belfast and Warrenpoint by Boris Johnston under the conditions of the NI Protocol.
The imposition of the new internal UK border posts are an insult to all Unionists.
Sadly, the actions of the Unionist political parties in the run-up to, and the aftermath of the commencement of the NI Protocol, has been found wanting. With this in mind, Unionists Against the NI Protocol was formed.
The group welcomes all members of the NI and GB Unionist community who believe that the UK is strongest when united. It is the intention of this group to campaign against the new border posts and to highlight Unionist objections to the NI Protocol. As a group, we reason that the NI Protocol is an unconstitutional arrangement and breaches the terms and conditions of the Good Friday Agreement. More importantly, the NI protocol is undemocratic and has been forced upon the NI Unionist community because of political expediency.
The group would like to begin its campaign by erecting prominent large protest posters, banners, bill-boards and trailer signage of the kind that Republicans have placed along the Northern Ireland / Republic of Ireland border.
The signs will be erected at the entrance to Port of Larne, on the flyovers along the A8 road leading into Larne and at the Port of Belfast as well as other prominent locations across the country. To achieve the objectives, the group requires some financial support from the public and the business community.
The group welcomes the input of any Unionist who finds the NI Protocol offensive. All Unionists, those who vote DUP, UUP, TUV, PUP, Independent Unionist, any other Unionist party, or who do not vote, is welcome to this all-inclusive Unionist ‘protest’ group.
The group intends to commence various forms of peaceful and lawful protest as and when the covid-19 emergency regulations permit. Anyone who is interested in attending the NI Protocol protests or who has any suggestions on how best to bring down the NI Protocol should contact the group through the groups Facebook Page.
Any financial contribution to our efforts would be greatly appreciated.
Through this Facebook page, we will inform members of our efforts and provide financial statements of donations provided and expenses incurred.
Your financial, or any other support for our efforts would be most welcome.