Nikki Holland, Director of Belize Friends Ministries

Friends United Meeting has called Nikki Holland to fill the position of Director of Belize Friends Ministries! In this full-time, long-term position, Nikki has primary management responsibility for coordinating all of FUM’s work in Belize, including supervising the staff, managing the facilities, developing donor relationships and coordinating with the FUM headquarters in Richmond, Indiana, USA.

Nikki is a member of The New Association of Friends and, before moving to Belize, had spent the previous four years living in Mexico, where she had been part of starting a Friends worship group. She is in her final year of study for the M.Div at Earlham School of Religion.

Nikki, her husband, Brian, and their three boys arrived in Belize in early August, 2019. Thank you for your generous gift in support of Nikki’s ministry.

To receive Nikki's monthly e-newsletter and prayer requests, please sign up here.

Donor Wall10

John Burdick

Amy Perry | $100

Lois Jordan | $100

Sent with love and congratulations to you and your family and prayers for blessings each day!

Brenda Rodeheffer | $100

Rosie and Mike Neyhouse | $100

Our intention is some financial support of your work, Nikki Holland, as Director of Belize Friends Ministries. We have been associated with Quakers in Clinton County for 50 years, and we (generally) support their efforts (with money occasionally). We believe that we can send $100 every four months until we have sent a total of $900. (It might be helpful, at least if you have not received a payment "on time", to send us a "Friendly" reminder.) Thank you for all of your good works!

Carl | $100

God bless you, Nikki. Met you at New York City Quarterly Meeting gathering. Carl Blumenthal


You, Brian and the boys will do so well in Belize! We miss you guys but love seeing your adventures!


Godspeed, Light, and Love

Dorlan | $50

Thank you, Nikki and family, for being obedient to the Holy Spirit's call to ministry in Belize.

Kristina | $75

Blessings on your ministry!