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Age to Age is a 501(c)(3) charitable organization and contributions are tax-deductible for income, gift, and estate taxes. Our EIN is: 27-1659432
New Van Campaign


Over the last 20+ years, we have gone on countless field trips, summer camp trips, and to homes and schools to pickup and take home kids. The 1993 Chrysler van that we've used for this has served us greatly and we are incredibly grateful for it. However, this beloved van is on its last leg and in dire need of replacement, soon. 

We are on the hunt for a new van that we can utilize for all of our Age to Age activities. With a recent grant award from United Way worth $8,000 over two years, we are looking to raise enough funds to purchase a new van to use for many years to come. Our goal of $30,000 will go towards the purchase of a new van, hopefully a Ford Transit XL.

We are so incredibly grateful for your donation towards this cause and for this ministry and the kids we serve. 

All gifts are tax-deductible. Our tax ID number is: 27-1659432