Hope Center, Inc.
The Hope Center’s metamorphosis from a shelter to the life-changing hub of vital resources and social support for those experiencing homelessness is taking place. Working with community organizations, we offer onsite services and resources to those we serve in areas that contribute to homelessness but on their own the assistance may be lacking, unavailable, or daunting. Services include comprehensive and holistic behavioral health services through the Delaware Division of Substance Abuse and Mental Health’s Bridge Clinic, primary care through Christiana Care’s Center for Hope and Healing, and intensive housing case management through our Case Management consultants. In addition, our partnerships allow guests access to Grab & Go meals, provided by Kings Table (if not connected to SNAP benefits), onsite assistance with emergency housing renewals through Delaware Division of State Service Centers, assistance with benefits i.e., SNAP (food), purchase of care (childcare), etc. through Delaware State and Social Services (DSS), shuttle service 7 days a week to and from a major bus hub, provided by Grace Transportation, after-school enrichment voucher program for children provided by Let's Grow, Act, Win and United Way, workforce development through Fair Chance, pet care through Faithful Friends, rental and utility assistance through Family Promise, housing locator services by MattieSon, LLC, and Financial Literacy through Del-One.
As we build the Hope Center model from the ground up, it requires flexibility, versatility, and patience. We cannot allow “perfection to be the enemy of progress” Winston Churchill. For most of 2020/2021, our goal was keeping unhoused people safe from COVID-19, as we moved away from that goal, people who enter the Hope Center are entering a program and are called “Participants”. Case managers engage at intake and provide support. Within 24 hours, Participants complete a housing assessment and create an exit strategy. We have learned through the Hope Center journey and housing over 3330 people that households need at least 90 days to stabilize and secure housing. We are grateful to the Delaware Division of State Service Centers for their partnership through COVID-19 and commitment to the most vulnerable. When the Delaware Division of State Service Centers moved back to pre-pandemic support of $1200 per household or up to 24 days (based on a $50 per night rate at the Hope Center), our goal now is to provide households a 66-day extension to have time and opportunity to utilize the onsite services, identify and address barriers, and carve their pathway to housing. Please consider supporting the Hope Center and our commitment to being a catalyst for change in the way that homeless services are delivered.