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Your donation gives Planet Rehab the ability to continue caring for the environment. It will also provide us with the resources to expand our reach and help even more amazing animals. Planet Rehab is tax-exempt under IRS code 501(c)(3), and donations are 100% tax-deductible. As a non-profit organization Planet Rehab exclusively relies on donations to support our work. Your personal data is important to us. Planet Rehab takes the privacy of your personal data seriously. Our fundraising platform (Donorbox) uses Secure Sockets Layer (SLS) technology for its website and mobile apps. This ensures that the information you send to us will be encrypted. Planet Rehab does not store your credit and debit card information.
Native Food Survival Kits
FOOD INSECURITY & ENVIRONMENTAL DESTRUCTION go hand in hand. Planet Rehab launched the Native Food Survival Kit during the pandemic. In Panama, the local Ngäbe people were hit particularly hard economically. 
Our goal is to provide 250 families with a way to eat sustainably and much more healthy. Sadly, due to a diet high in meat, sugar, and processed foods, the Ngäbe people, have higher rates of diabetes, heart disease, obesity, etc.

Continually we are planting seeds, tending to the seedlings, and transplanting them into temporary housing. Each Kit includes: 
  • 1 Jackfruit Tree Sapling - each Jackfruit may grow up to 80 lbs, the fruit is delicious and nutritious and the seeds can be cooked or turned into Hummus
  • 1 Biriba Tree Sapling - fruit is high in Calcium, Phosphorous, Vitamin C, and absolutely delicious
  • 1 Water Apple Shrub - delicious  and can prevent heart conditions & liver disorders
  • 1 Katuk Shrub - 10 times more protein than spinach, contains Vitamins A, B, C & is known to treat the flu
  • 1 Cranberry Hibiscus - highly nutritious vegetable, leaves high in Vitamin B3, known to help Diabetics, fight cancer & protect the liver
Please help us Give the Gift of Life!