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Maya’s Hope: Life-Changing Gait Trainer for 12-Year-Old Katerina in Ukraine

Would you like to make a significant difference in the life of 12-year-old Katerina in Ukraine?

Katerina has cerebral palsy and epilepsy. She has made remarkable progress in her physical therapy sessions, learning to stand and even take independent steps. However, her growth spurt during puberty has presented new challenges for her muscles, hindering her mobility.

She needs a gait trainer, a specialized piece of equipment that will enable her to preserve and further develop her newfound abilities. Unfortunately, the cost of this equipment is beyond her family's financial reach, and they are unable to provide Katerina with this much-needed tool. 

Will you empower Katerina to continue standing and walking on her own?

A gait trainer will help Katerina strengthen her muscles, improve her balance, and continue her remarkable journey toward independence.