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Maya’s Hope is a 501(c)3 non-profit organization dedicated to helping cutie pies around the world. Your contribution is tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. No goods or services were provided in exchange for this contribution.
Maya's Hope: Sponsor a Child (Philippines) - Ella

Ella was born in 2014 and has cerebral palsy and global developmental delay. When we first took her into our program in June 2020, she was very tiny weighing only 12 pounds. She is now over 18 pounds! And she has started to crawl, stand and babble.

She has 3 siblings and lives with her parents in a single room. Her mother stays at home to care for the children and her father works as a driver. Her father works as a driver but his income has been significantly affected due to the pandemic. To earn extra money to feed her family, her mother wakes early to make and sell sticky rice.

Ella is in need of monthly sponsors to help provide her with the essentials she needs to continue to grow and thrive. 

Would you like to become a monthly sponsor for Ella? You can sponsor her for any monthly amount.