Children in the Philippines who live in extreme poverty lack access to quality healthcare. They are often denied assistance and are unable to afford necessities to improve their quality of life.
Children in the Philippines who live in extreme poverty lack access to quality healthcare. They are often denied assistance and are unable to afford necessities to improve their quality of life.
Zedy is an 8-year-old boy from the Philippines. He was a healthy boy who attended school until he suddenly began to lose skills and function. He was diagnosed with subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE)—also known as Dawson disease which is a rare form of chronic progressive brain inflammation caused by slow infection with certain defective strains of hypermutated measles virus. Due to the pandemic, his father lost his full-time job which has added extra stress to the life of this family. There is no cure for Zedy's condition but his family wants to provide him with the best quality of life possible.
Can you help us purchase 3 months' worth of formula, medicines, diapers and more for brave Zedy?
Maya’s Hope helps disadvantaged children living in poverty and helps provide hope by instilling value and purpose in each child.