Please note that By Our Hands We Make Our Way is not a registered charity, or legally incorporated in any way other than as a Sole Trader: This is a family owned business operated with the aim of supporting ourselves and our community, by making art and space and friends. Other people or organisations using and working in the space are organised in their own ways and are responsible only for themselves.
We are commited to using a proportion of any surplus income or donations received – to support creative, regenerative, radical individuals, projects or communities, locally and globally.
Additional disclaimer: We know that human beings change, that the world grows and evolves, disintegrates sometimes and always makes new shapes – there is no guarantee that in 10 years time (or tomorrow) this place, ourselves, you or anything else will be the same – we reserve the right to spontaneously transform into something else, (and so should you if you want to) and accept that you may or may not want to support that in the future. Please feel free to change your mind and follow the tug of your gut.