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Help support Tokyo Drew's fight with Stage 4 Lung Cancer
Sept Update and BACK in the hospital

Dear Supporters,

I have posted on here , on my Patreon page, my YouTube and all over social media. I appreciate all the support from friends, family an1

d people I do not know that have unselfishly helped me with my fight. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I am truly grateful and humbled with all the caring people out there. I truly wish I could personally give back to each of you in my own way.

Here is an updated link from a Live Stream I did the other day from the hospital explaining what is going on, what may happen moving forward and how I am feeling now. 
Again I thank you for your kindness, your generosity and your friendships.



July and Aug Update

It is Sept 1st here in Tokyo and I would like to give you an update and what is going on. I wanted to make a video or live stream but I thought to write to you first.

From my last live stream, I had mentioned I was going for a Clinical trial this past week AND on Friday I found out I was accepted for the clinical trial. I was admitted to the hospital on Friday and had meetings with doctors.... I will try to explain what has transpired since.

So I found out for this trial there are 3 groups being tested.

Group 1 would receive Lurbinectedin

Group 2 would receive lurbinectedin with irinotecan

Group 3 would receive Topotecan

With this new trial I was truly hoping to get options 1 or 2 BUT ended up with option 3

Now Topotecan is approved in Japan so why take only this chemo (seemed like the worst option) if I can have other options for now. I spent the night on Friday in the hospital doing nothing as the trial would start on Monday. (being hospitalized for 21 days) but after talking with my oncologist I decided to withdrawal from the trial lesson due to the unlucky of the draw. I discharged from the hospital on Sat as I felt no need to be there and pay 40000 yen each day...kind of a waste of money

SCLC sucks and it is a very aggressive disease. My feeling as you have been with me over the past 6 months has been quite positive up until I finished chemo and went onto immunotherapy. Well, in July it showed a tumor progression (tumor markers went up from 70 to 170) and then in August last week the markers went from 170 to 700. The CT scan showed the tumors getting bigger again

So.... where does that leave me now?

As of Tuesday next week I will start again a 1st line of chemo for 5 days like last time. This time I will be trying Carboplatin/Etoposide with hopes to shrink the tumors yet again. Last time I did Cisplatin/Etoposide. Carboplatin may or may not be better BUT by doing this I have a chance to be able to receive a new immunotherapy after that called Tarlatamab.

I truly hope this is the correct way to go and have hopes and prayers something will work,

If the chemo I do doesn't have a good response, then for the 2nd line they will think about another chemo cocktail.... in hopes of extending my life.....a story for another day.

Ladies and Gents,

I had high hopes for the last 6 months and really did not feel Small Cell Lung Cancer would affect me in any way and I could beat it to hell. Well, after this past week I have come to the realization my fight is going to be a long one! I am very sad, confused and really have no idea what to do with my remaining time... yes my remaining time.

To me, without a miracle over the next 6 months and new drugs to help I probably have about a year before getting sicker and sicker to the point of YOU KNOW WHAT. I am trying to come to grips with this and well.... I have started my bucket list lol

Obviously I do not want to die from this disease but it does seem it will get me eventually over the next 1-2 years. Yes you read that right.

I thank you for your understanding, for your support and once my thoughts are gathered, I will get back to the YouTube. NOT the most important thing to me right now, but also YT does keep me away from all the bad thoughts and does at a certain point help raise funds to help me pay for these treatments without putting the burden on Hiromi.

Thank you always for being there 


FOUR rounds of Chemotherapy done!

Hi everyone!

This is your June 2024 update and I am happy to tell you I have finished 4 rounds of chemotherapy and I am now on the long road along the Immunotherapy Highway!

Thank you to each and everyone of you for helping with fight this horrible disease and for all the private messages I have received.

Here is a video just for you.

God bless you


May 24th Update!

Hi everyone,

Thank you so much for your support and more importantly your well wishes!

This monthly report I do hope receives you well.

As you may know I left the hospital after round 3 and boy did it hit me hard! Never thought the fatigue and other side effects would really be so strong and actually "get to me" but as I always say... I sucked it up and did my best. 
As of today we are back for round 4 and just finished day 1 (11 hours total) of infusions.

Just like last month, I would like to keep you updated on how things are going. 

My blood work came back earlier today and again great news! My tumor markers have gone down even more! Last month it was at 171 and today it's at 90.1!!! Again over half! Even the oncologist had a smile on his face lol. HUGE news (well for me anyways) my A1C when I entered was 9.8, in March it was 8.9, last update was 7.6 and NOW 6.8!!! Still more hard work ahead of me to get it under 6.0 but dang that is awesome! Cutting out sugars, fatty foods and MACCAS has helped lol

ok, financially (approx) - and again thank you for your support

Round 1 cost  - $7000 USD

Round 2 cost - $3000 USD

Round 3 cost - $3500 USD

Round 4 cost - I am hoping the same as round 2 lol ($3000 USD)

So as you can see from your amazing donations after the 4th treatments are finish we have raised pretty much all monies so far. THANK YOU!! 

We have a long road ahead as Immunotherapy will start June 21st and can you believe it was way more expensive than Chemo? 

I will have  a CT scan on June 13th and will update you with results (positive results!)
I will be on Immunotherapy for the rest of my life monthly as an outpatient for 4 hours daily as well as every 60 days having blood work, xrays and CT scans. 

So please share this fundraiser with your friends and families as the road to kicking cancers ass has just begun! 

I truly appreciate what everyone has done for me so far and I do ask for more help as I am not working at all this year, trying hard on YouTube when i can but most importantly making life changes to "Be better".

Thank you again for your kindness and generosity!


Edited 05/24/2024
Great News! April 28 update

Hi everyone!

I was admitted to the hospital on Thursday April 25th and on that day had blood tests, xrays and a CT scan. Some great results came from this and all details are in the video posted below (the live stream from Friday)

Simply to let you all know - My tumor markers have dropped from 1200 (in Feb) to 700 in March and NOW they are 171!!!! This is excellent. My A1c has dropped from 9.8 to 7.6 now as I have been working hard with this diet.

Most importantly my "host" tumor has shrunk from 3.3cm to 1.4cm after 2 treatments, the dissemination (tumors in my pleural) one can not be seen anymore and the other has shrunk to almost nothing..... this is amazing how my body is reacting to the chemo treatments. We will now wait to see how round 3 and round 4 results are doing.

I will be having more tests done over the next few weeks until round 4 happens, we are looking at a new clinical trial for stage 4 lung cancer survival (huge if I can get accepted once passed) but I am keeping positive and trying my best.

Thank you all for yoour continued support and let's try and hit that 50% goal mark! I appreciate all of you and I am blessed people I know and don't know have come to my aid. Thank you again 


Round 3 cost - $3500 USD

Edited 05/24/2024
April 1, 2024

TD Crew!

Well I have now finished round 2 of chemotherapy and Immunotherapy and I have to say it has kind of knocked me on my ass. Still keeping positive and doing the right thing (listening to the wife lol) with diet and exercise.

I will be home resting for 3 weeks and will be back April 25th for round 3. 

I am scheduled for a CT scan in which we will find out how things are doing after 60 days and I hope we have great news!

THANK YOU to everyone that has helped out with your generosity and kindness. I am truly overwhelmed with so many people I really do not know coming to help through so many different social contacts.

This fight is far from over and your continued support and prayers are appreciated.

Help spread the message with our TD community and TEAM DREW we can do this!

Much love and respect

God Bless you all


Round 2 cost - $3000 USD

March 24, 2024 Update

Hey TD Crew and supporters!

I have been out of the hospital resting after 18 days in the hospital and recovering from the 1st round of chemo quite well!

In this attached video, I give you an honest rundown of the collected bills so far.

Thank you again for all your support!

God Bless you all


10 days in and Great News!

Hi Everyone,

A quick update!

March 8, 2024 I had blood work and x-rays done in the morning. Hiromi joined me later that day at 4pm and we went over the blood work and x-rays with my doctor.

Blood work levels looking very good, creatine and potassium levels have balanced out AND after looking at 3 x-ray images (March 1, March 5 and March 8) there is a considerable difference in the size of the main tumor and the lymph nodes are looking better too! After 1 treatment cycle the chemotherapy and Immunotherapy seem to be having a great start! 

I will still be in the hospital until March 18th or so (then can go home for a week).

It seems during each cycle I will be in the hospital for 5-6 days each time (ugh) over the next 4 months.

We need your kindness and generosity as this burden just tripled in cost due to hospital stays not covered by insurance. 

I thank all of you who have helped raise funds to support me. I am truly grateful for your support.

Here is the link to my live stream I shared with everyone (Time stamp 32:45 in video)

Thank you always


I finished 3 days of Chemotherapy Infusions - Update March 4 2023

Hi everyone,

A quick video update! March 4th is starting day 5 in the hospital but we are DONE the 1st cycle of infusions! Feeling ok, but expecting the worst to come yet.

Here is a link to the update video (unlisted on my channel) but feel free to share!

Sharing is caring and I need the love lol

Being admitted to hospital

Hey TD Crew!

Drew will be admitted to the hospital Feb 29, 2024 for a day of tests and will then start his chemotherapy/immunotherapy on March 1, 2024. He will be scheduled four 28 day cycles. Each cycle is three days of infusions with 25 days recovery. His 1st cycle will be a 3 week hospital stay and if all goes well, he can outpatient the other 3 cycles.

Let's give Drew encouragement and lots of community love

Mindy's mom

These fundraisers are making a difference

Show your support and fundraise today to achieve our goals!

I want to fundraise for this