




Our Mission: To bring cutting-edge neurological rehabilitation resources to Austin, TX.

Execution is everything: To ensure a sustainable nonprofit organization, Project Charley has forged relationships with strategic PARTNERS, identified an OPERATING PARTNER, and built an impactful ADVISORY BOARD.

We will tell incredible STORIES like Charley's and raise funds for equipment and other resources that will change many lives. Our first campaign is to fund the purchase of a LOKOMAT device. We're making great progress but need your help bringing the movement!

Charitable gifts to Project Charley are tax-dedutible to the extent allowed by applicable law. No gifts or services were received for the above contribution. Project Charley is a Texas nonprofit corporation, EIN 82-4553134. 501(c)3 tax-exempt status pending.

捐款墙 (63)

Annie and Cord Shiflet | $500

Charley, you are so brave and strong! Thank you for being such an inspiration to us and our family! ❤️, Tinsley and Banks

Sam and Abby Patranella | $500

Honored to support Project Charley!

Carley Volk | $300

Keep roarin' Charley girl :) the Volk's love you!


I'm giving this so Charley can stay in school more with our class!

Travis Hicks | $200

Marc & Megan Vanderslice | $1,000

Proud to support Barney, Shannon, Charley & their Family!

Mary Sims | $100

Mike and Christine Davitt

Hilliary & Brandon Lenhart | $100

Well done Clint and Barney! Can't wait to see Charley's progress!!

Ryan & Val Cox | $1,000

We are excited to support Charley and all of those in need in Central Texas!

Casey Baker

Such an inspiration! This donation is made in the name of our good friend Justin Gabriel who has also suffered a traumatic brain injury. One foot in front of the other sweet girl!

Megan & Curtis Gattis | $1,000

Kudos and thank you all for creating something that will impact the lives of so many! Go Charley Go!!!

Jim and Beth HAmmack

Catia & Adrian James | $1,000

Well done Clint and Barney! It's really awesome what you guys are doing and we are more than happy to support it!

Marcus and Katy Mollmann | $1,000

Jared & Regan Beckelman | $1,000

We can't to see what having a Lokomat in Austin does for Charley and others who are in need of this awesome therapy!!! Love you guys!!!

Heather and Chad Hamilton | $300

What an amazing thing you all are doing for Charley and your community. We love you guys!!

Grant and Liz Godby

We are honored to support this awesome project!!

Camden Dunning

Theo | $23

Happy Birthday to my big cousin Charley! I love you! I’m donating all the money I got from the Easter Bunny. Love, Theo

Clint & Ashley Smith

john | $100

Anne George | $50

Liz and Brian Bogard

Sally Nixon | $500

So proud of you Barney❤️

Kelsy Schimmel | $500

Chad Griffith | $250

That is one tough girl and two awesome parents. Thank you for taking action!

Keely Patton | $100

You are in our thoughts and prayers. I love what you're doing to help Charley and others. What a gift! Much love to you all! Trever, Keely, Jake, Ellie and Jack Patton

Adrian Thompson | $25

Awesome work, keep it up!

Sylvia Rhee | $500