Our Mission: To bring cutting-edge neurological rehabilitation resources to Austin, TX.
Execution is everything: To ensure a sustainable nonprofit organization, Project Charley has forged relationships with strategic PARTNERS, identified an OPERATING PARTNER, and built an impactful ADVISORY BOARD.
We will tell incredible STORIES like Charley's and raise funds for equipment and other resources that will change many lives. Our first campaign is to fund the purchase of a LOKOMAT device. We're making great progress but need your help bringing the movement!
Donor Wall (63)
Hunter & Deon Wright
Amy Edwards | $100
Charley’s bright eyes melt my heart! Love to Barney and Shannon as you make an impact in Austin for all of the “Charleys” that will benefit from this amazing machine! 💜
Meredith Lesher | $100
Go Charley Go!!!