Life and Power is a discernment project based in careful listening and waiting worship for Quaker communities that are concerned about how we might respond to the presence of abuse in our public spaces and in Quaker homes. During the winter and spring of 2023 a group of committed and skilled listeners will be engaing one on one with Friends around a central query, based on the query that is at the root of our peace testimony:
Do we live in the virtue of that life and power that takes away the occasion of child abuse, as well as intimate partner abuse and all forms of violence within the family and community?
This project takes Quakerism seriously. We believe that it is in waiting worship and discernment that the divine speaks through us and with us and between us, together. We are here to facilitate spirit-led consideration of what local meetings are called to do in response to abuse through the testimony of Friends.
With your help our final product will be a tool for discernment at the local meeting level that can be used in Quaker communities all over the world.
We simply cannot have the impact we are led to together in this labor of love and care without the resources that are available in our communities being brought together too.
While outside support from an NGO, Odyssey Impact, is present, we need your support too to make this project all it can be, all we deserve, for a vibrant and healthy Quakerism.