




“You brain feels social pain as distressing as it feels physical pain .”

This started out being about parents, because parents feel scared they will lose their kids. But, let’s face it, we do not live in a human friendly culture. Social media contagions and the rise of social ostracism as an accepted method of social and cultural control has injected instability into Canadian human society and it has fuelled a mental health crisis. Professional organisations contribute to this contagion-fuelled crisis through their biased political messaging, founded in weakly crafted research studies. The nation has become dangerously divided. This extremism is unbecoming of Canada. 

We have begin a letter writing campaign to engage and inform professional organisations. We have begun an investigation into gender legislation and policy across Canada. 

1. We wish to inform Canadians and those who lead and serve us professionally. 

2. We wish to begin thoughtful and intelligent discourse and dialogue with professional stakeholders to address the dangerous dearth of paediatric mental health care. 

3. We wish to push the conversation beyond shallow and incendiary and manipulative rhetoric and loaded language and empty euphemistic language. 

4. We wish to promote family attachment and empower children by assisting their parents and all the adults around them to be their best to meet and serve The Child's Best Interest. 

5. Healthy parental involvement and attachment are the biggest predictors of positive outcomes for children over the long term. We can help kids stay health and safe by supporting their parents, families, communities to engage in brain savvy ways.

6. Social connection is a biological imperative, without it we grow sick and unable to thrive and even survive. Cancel culture drives people to live dangerously isolated lives and even drives them to suicide.

7. Deliberate social ostracism is a form of cruel and unusual punishment. It harms all of society when professional regulatory bodies punish dissidents with vexatious misconduct accusations and hearings.  

8. We will speak out against this collective abuse, it is a form of torture.

Currently, your donations will fund administrative costs such as for research--much vital information lies behind a paywall--and also for office costs like printer cartridges and paper and vital media subscriptions to stay informed. We are entirely self-funded by the founder's disability income and by donations. We have low funds at present in our bank account. Donations support the work we do!

Our ultimate organizational objective lies in the funding and development of to promote brain savvy human programming, to support people victimised by the social ostracism of wokeism, of DEI struggle sessions, of professional + workplace bullying and harassment. Funds will go towards creating educational material and training outreach workers to support individuals in overcoming the trauma ostracism, exclusion, and even social death. 

Consider making a recurring donation to support investigation and research and report writing, and also the development and maintenance of a trauma-informed outreach programme for the collateral damage of the progressive cultural revolution.