Langhorne Council for the Arts is celebrating the 100th anniversary of the passage of the 19th Amendment with a Women’s History Film Festival, a tea with theatrical performance, and a mural that honors groundbreaking women with connections to Langhorne whose achievements changed the lives of women (and men and children, too) far beyond the tiny borough. Details of upcoming events will be posted on Facebook, in our newsletter, and on our website.
Our pressing need right now is to raise $10,000 to cover the cost of a gorgeous mural, created by Jean-Marc Dubus, that will be installed on the Will Travel building in August. A digital rendering is pictured below. You can read all about the incredible women who are honored on the mural by visiting and clicking on the ”Women” tab. Please help us make this public art possible by contributing to this fundraiser! No amount is too small!
We will be publishing a keepsake booklet about these women that will be available at the dedication on August 28. If you would like to advertise your business or organization in this booklet, please email for more information.