I hope she feels better soon! You guys are awesome taking care of these beautiful animals! 🥰
We hope Kiska is feeling better soon!
Good luck, I hope Kiska returns to normal and gets healthy!
So sorry you had that horrible experience with the first emergency vet. Glad to hear Kiska is doing better--may she continue to be well!
Thank you for care and hard work when finances are tight for everyone -- These animals are worth it!
For Kiska's treatment.
The only one who should have had an enema in this fiasco is that first cold blooded vet. I've met up with so called "doctors" like this before--they shouldn't even be in such a profession and it's a tragedy that they are allowed to continue working.
Prayers for Kiska! Save them all!
In honor of my Sister Warrior, Paula …
Thank you for all you guys do for these precious animals. I love them so much. I would give a million if I had it.
Hang in there Kiska!